Payment terms are strictly pay prior to course date, except where a commercial account has been approved, payment is then required 20th of the month following the date of the course.


Notice of cancellation or postponement must be made 5 working days prior to the course date.

The following fees are applicable on notice:

  1. Any resource material.
  2. Any pre-course costs including travel, accommodation and other expenses paid in advance.

Where notice is given less then 5 working days and 48 hours before the course date, 50% of the total course fee will still be incurred.
Any postponements or cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will result in full course fees being charged.

McInnes Driver Training Ltd (MDT Ltd) directed course cancellation policy

From time to time MDT Ltd will need to reschedule or cancel a course. This may be due to trainer availability (sickness, bereavement, etc), venue availability or low course attendance for example. MDT Ltd will endeavour to deliver the course in the first instance with course cancellation a last resort.

While we do our very best to provide a minimum of 48 hours notice, from time to time the notice may be as little as 24 hours.

We will arrange for an alternative time and date for attendance and where you are not able to attend, a full refund of payments for the course will be provided.